Using this website, you agree to our Terms of Use as described on this page. Please do not use our website if you do not agree to our Terms of Use. Argent provides design services according to the specified work plan and milestones.

The terms of any contract are valid for 30 days after signing by the Customer. After this period, Argent reserves the right to change the agreement and resubmit it for approval.

The Client agrees to pay Argent Design all fees within the scope of the project plan, according to the signed contract.

All invoices must be paid within five days of receipt unless otherwise agreed. Any additional costs will be charged separately. Payment is made according to the schedule specified in the contract.

A scope change is a formal request from a client to expand or reduce the functionality of a task. Any request for a change in scope must be in writing and fully describe the changes required. The Argent team will provide a response detailing the budget and timeline changes.

The Argent team will try to complete all stages following the project plan. However, we will notify the Client by email if there is any delay. The Client must provide all necessary information, approvals, and materials on time. Therefore, any delays caused by the Customer will result in a corresponding milestone extension. Delays caused by events beyond the control of either party (act of God, fire, acts of government, war, terrorism, or epidemic) are not considered a breach of the agreement. Instead, the result of the delays is the expansion of the respective milestones.

Before release, the Argent team puts the finishing touches before presenting the project to the Client. The Client must approve or reject the results within seven business days. Any refusals shall be made in writing with a detailed statement of the objections.

The Client is responsible for timely notification of any changes to the project.

Argent has the right to place an accreditation hyperlink on each final results page unless otherwise agreed. In addition, Argent reserves the right to reproduce the results and obtain copyright for using portfolios, websites, and media for publicity and professional recognition.

Any information that the Client or the Argent team considers confidential should be treated as such, whether it is protected by copyright or patent. In addition, personal data should be used only within the framework of the project, without disclosing it to third parties.

Argent reserves the right to use third-party services. Our team is fully responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the project. The Client has the right to involve other parties in developing the product.

All invoices must be paid within five days of receipt unless otherwise agreed. Any additional costs will be charged separately. Payment is made according to the schedule specified in the contract.

Argent will provide commercially reasonable assistance to update and maintain the product and troubleshoot any problems. Any additional work is paid according to our rates. Results edited by third parties lose their right to support from Argent during the warranty period.

Argent Design reserves the right to change the Terms at any time. Any changes are posted on this page.